Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The inside edge

Truth is, there is truth. I mean after you sort through all that garbage of thought out there, you may find it is all just that, garbage. I recently started working at a wet lands nursery. This is my second year there as a temporary employee. Honestly, its starting to feel more like a calling than a temp position, but at least I've learned a few good things in the process.

1. Hard work pays off, this is not true at our little outfit.
2. If you name is Joe, you need not apply.
3. If you beg just right, they might higher you on under the table under a fake name. Fake ID, Fake social, the whole deal. Now thas something else huh?
4. Some people leave nupe! Some people dont get called back because they wont handle item 3 on the above list with style.
5. Sherman can sing and dance like a mad man!

And that about wraps it up for this addition of NUPE news.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Yes, so the last entry was less than stimulating I agree. I mean as I look back I see it was a whim and not really worthy content at all, well outside the picture which has value to me perhaps. Any hoo moving forward...

Last night I had a dream I was house sitting on the banks of a great pond. For some reason festive lights strew the houses, and lite up the water which was often occasioned with vacationers. When I came to the house I was watching after I took a look around and went outside. I came to rest upon a rock wall only about a foot and a half tall when A blond women smiled at me. I quickly smiled back and wondered who she was and why she looked familiar. Just then I saw Magdalina running my way. She ran and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big loving hug. It was then I realised that she and her mother came to watch the fireworks, so we sat down and did just that with Magdalina, or my little magnet, by my side. I can not tell you how much I enjoyed seeing my little girl again. Thouse were the best fire works I have ever sat through.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A new post...

I have been away from bloggin for quiet some time. Here is a picture just for you.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Got the H1N1 rainy day blues?

The question is often riddled by the answer.

Have you ever been so full of ideas you couldn't spit out one. Truth is I feel as if I've eaten 8 or 9 hot dogs and am tiring to focus on the locations of just one of those hot dogs within the depths of my bowels. That said, lets blog.

Work? I work on a farm. The help is more than enough entertainment to keep us all amused at this point. There seem to be enough inside jokes to keep us going for some time. No lack of "Durka Durka" here! Peter starts Monday which again makes me wonder if we are at this farm for some grander purpose.

Ian believes I have H1N1 for real. The proof is in the sauce as some would say. I believe he sprayed the toilet seat after I left. Not really proof of his accusations on my health, but I will keep an eye out for him. ;-) preferably my left eye.

I found something today that made me feel... well robbed. When I saw it I was just dumbfounded. Not that this doesn't happen often, but I mean, once again I came to see that what makes sense to me, does not always ring true for all. Example:

I see someone has a choice to choose from box A or box B. They have looked inside and seen what the contents are, and when the time for a decision comes, they choose the item of less worth. It amazes me! Seems every time they choose the flashy item over the one that is actually prized.

For fear of scarring off my readers, I will end on a happy note.

H1N1 is not as bad as you might think, Don't believe the hype!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Five Orange Pips

While orange pips have nothing to do with this blog, I thought it nice to tell you what Orange pips are. They are nothing more than seeds from oranges. The "Five Orange Pips" referred to in the heading of this blog are from a Sherlock Holmes story named "The Five Orange Pips".

Moving on toward our theme of finding ways to show your loved ones you care, I have the next five ways for you listed below. But before I would like to re-list two. Primarily for my gratification and secondly for your viewing pleasure.

7. Listen to their stories. Honestly this can be really hard for an extrovert like my self. But I am finding it very rewarding to find out more about the depths of who my friends are.

9. Answer their questions. Number 9 for me is cultural. When I say cultural what I'm really saying is growing up if you were asked a question you better have an answer. It seemed that a quick word turned away wrath better than a soft one in those circumstances.

And now for the moment we have all been waiting for...

26. Introduce them to your friends and family.

27. Make time to be with them.

28. Be excited when you see them.

29. Notice when they grow.

30. Remember their birthdays.

All I can say is I'm sorry. Truth is, I'd forget my own birthday if I didn't have to write it on each and every job application I've ever filled out.

ok, end of blog.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Absolutely fabulous!

Yes, Absolutely fabulous! And I do not mean the show.

The art of Blogging. How does one blog? Clearly the questions I have not been thinking about for the past few days. I have however been thinking of the trip I just took with Peter. Peter and I just got back from a great road trip. We visited my pastor and his family in VA, and I must say it was great to see them in their new home!

21. Help them take a stand, then stand with them.

The next stop was in NC where we spent most of our trip. After the short drive south we stayed with a great Moldovan family. They put us up two nights in a row. The day in west NC was spent traveling back and forth to Church, and spending time with friends. In general the people were the gems of this trip. Each and every one was good to see, and hopefully encourage in the things of the Lord.

22. Ask them to help you with something.

The last morning in western NC we hit a Sonic restaurant before we left. Ok, now I know there is little special about Sonics, but I simply love them! I think we 4 times at Sonics before heading home.

23. Keep the promises you make to them.

Day 3 or was it 4? We left west NC at about 2. We started the long drive to the eastern part of the state. It was mainly long because I had this splitting head ache the whole day. We spent the day with far away prayer partner Rodyca. I really cant go into so much detail about everything we did, but I will say that meeting her was by far for me the best part of this trip. She was just as wonderful as I had ever guessed she would be.

24. Tell them how proud you are of them.

These numbered comments are from a list I got online. They are a from a list of 50 ways to show your friends you care. In my search to love others, I stumbled on them. I will say that there is nothing more rewarding than investing your time, energy and love into people be they friends or foes.

25. Send them a letter, postcard, or e-mail.

Well the day we spent with Rodyca was the best and the worst at the same time. It was really sad having to go so quickly. I wish I had time to spend with her more. I enjoyed her questions, comments and directions when we were looking for different locations, "left, right, no left, sorry right." too much fun!

25a. I would like to take this moment to comment on 22, 24 and 25.

22. Ask them to help you with something. Now this does not mean to ask them to get your slippers. I think the aim of this one is to show your friend they are good at something by asking their help. Also how you ask is very important. Sorry Peter.

24. When is the last time you told someone your proud of them? I suggest not doing it so forwardly, but finding a more creative way to let them know.

And last but not least number 25. I find this one interesting because I am about to send out two post cards.

So much for Blogging

Love ya all!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why Blog?

Its a good question.

16. Tolerate their interruptions.

17. Suggest better behaviors when they act up or act out.

18. Show up at their games, concerts, and special events.

19. Tell them how much you like being with them.

20. Tell them about yourself.